Friday, July 29, 2011


We made a visit to Jacobson Park. We knew there was a little lake there, but we didn't know we'd see a flock of ducks. Josie was thrilled, of course. If you listen carefully, you can hear her quack. Ignore her mother.
Poop. Poor girl. She was literally dripping. Green slime sliding down her leg.
But did you see her? She is almost running! A few falls and a little poop are minor setbacks when learning how to run. I am a proud mother.

Here are a few more pictures from the park.

We are enjoying ourselves here in Lexington. 


  1. I can tell! And I'm so glad!! Duck poop and all-it's fun to share in your adventure!!

  2. Ohh. This made me cry. I'm missing this sweet thing so much. Can you send her this Wednesday for the usual Wednesday play day? They are just not the same!
